Pennies for the Pantry
St. Stephens AME Zion Church operates our food and clothing pantry twice weekly (Monday and Wednesday). The need for the pantry in the Gaston County community is very much needed with the rise of inflation and the cost of food and clothing can be challenging. You can support the efforts of the pantry in two ways:
• Donating gently used clothing items to the pantry. Please ensure that the items are laundered.
• Financial support – "Pennies for the Pantry" is an idea that came from the scripture, Mark 12:41, The widow’s mite.
And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. Your financial support is never too small. Please support the pantry with your penny collection. You may bring them to the church rolled or in bags, jars or cans.
Please support the pantry via your prayers, item donations and our penny drive.