Proverbs 11:24 “One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. “
A hoarder is one who collects, gathers and holds on to stuff and has a problem letting it go. For years I have heard it said “if you have a tight (closed) fist; nothing can go out and nothing can come in.” The world instructs us to gain and hold on to as much as we can. But the truth is, if you hold on to your possessions and never share with others, you fail to realize how powerful the act of giving is. Scripture teaches giving generously is like sowing seeds and reaping a harvest. Yet, sowing sparingly one reaps sparingly. The more you give, the more you receive. Give generously and you will also receive generously. Conversely, those who withhold unduly, come to poverty. We all must come to understand that in order to gain you must first be willing to give. It is God who is the giver of all things. When God blesses us, we are to be a blessing to others. We always win when we give generously unto God and His work. To Give and To Hold!