Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
We are told to delight in the Lord. Delight means “to enjoy” or “something that gives great pleasure.” To delight in someone is to experience great pleasure and joy in their presence. Being in someone’s presence and spending the time to truly get to know them is to delight in them. We are to purposefully spend time with God daily. We are to spend time with God in prayer. We are to intentionally spend time reading His word and meditating on His word. As we do this, we get to know God more intimately and our relationship with Him is strengthened. Time spent with God brings God into our presence and we are drawn into his presence. James 4:8 says Come near to God and he will come near to you. It is our sin that separates us from God. Choosing to spend time with God in prayer, reading and meditating on his word brings about repentance and a greater awareness of who God is. “True delight in Him causes us to take our sights off of what we want in order to long for what He desires.” As you delight in the Lord, the psalmist assures of a promise that he will give you the desires of your heart. Consequently, your heart’s desires are to please God as a direct result of delighting yourself in the Lord. Therefore, I encourage you to spend the necessary time in getting to know our Great God, Jehovah. Delight in the Lord!