John 6:37 Whoever comes to me I will never drive away. (NIV)

One of the worst feelings in life is being rejected.  Rejection can cause feelings of anger, bitterness, hatred, loneliness and even loss of self-worth.  Have you ever experienced rejection?  Perhaps your mortgage application was rejected. Maybe that job interview in which you knew you were qualified, yet you were denied.  It may be that you were rejected by a spouse or a significant other.  Some have felt the pains of rejection from parents who gave them up for adoption.  Whatever the case may be, rejection can tear you down or you can use it to build yourself up and become stronger.  To avoid being torn down; drowning in self-pity, guard your heart against those negative feelings.  Focus on the greatness within you.  Look to God for strength and guidance.  Your rejection could be part of God’s plan for your life.  Hagar and Ishmael in Genesis 21 were rejected by Sarah and Abraham.  They were sent away to fend for themselves but God blessed them.  I can imagine they felt used, abused and degraded.  Besides, it was not until Isaac came along that they were no longer wanted or needed around.  In Judges 11, Jephthah was rejected by his brothers; they cast him out of the family.  Later, they needed Jephthah’s help to fight against the Ammonites.  Although you may be rejected by men, God will not reject you.  As He promised in John 6:37 “Whoever comes to me I will never drive away.”  You can call upon him and he will answer.  Trust God in all of your life’s experiences.  He won’t drive you away!  Your acceptance is guaranteed.