John 3:30 (NIV) He must become greater; I must become less.
John the Baptist went about preaching and calling people to repentance; prepare ye the way of the Lord. He was able to persuade many to follow the way of Christ. Yet, there were many who did not believe or receive what he preached. When John was approached about people going to Jesus to be baptized, he emphatically conveyed to them who he represented. John declared, “He must become greater; I must become less.” John would not allow himself or his ministry to be viewed as more important than Christ. Instead, John was willing to show forth humility and exalt Christ before the people. John said I am not the light, but I came to testify about the Light (John 1:8). Often times, the desire to become successful in our ministry causes us to lose focus of what is most important. We sometimes become proudful and arrogant even feeling as though we have done great things. But we must be reminded to do as John the Baptist did. We must become less. To become less is to humble yourself. We must not forget to point people to Christ in all we do. No matter how successful our lives may be, it is God who has blessed us to be who we are. God is greater and we need more of Him and less of us.