Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus. . .
I can remember when I received my last pair of new glasses. I was excited. For the first time, I had ordered my prescription glasses online to save money. I could hardly wait to get them opened and try them on. I expected them to greatly improve my vision. But much to my amazement, when I got them opened, I immediately felt a sense of disappointment. They were not at all what I thought I had ordered. They had a much darker tint than I expected. Upon putting them on I could barely focus and I found the glasses to be more of a distraction than a help to my vision. A lesson to take from this. We can become excited about new things coming our way but we must be careful not to allow the new things to be a distraction from what is most important. The author of Hebrews wrote Let us fix our eyes on Jesus. . . As we walk this Christian journey, our focus must be on Jesus. We can anticipate new things to come into our lives. Some new things prove to be good for us. Yet, others easily become distractions and hinderances. New relationships, material possessions, positions, and ventures can be distractions. They can sometimes cause us to take our eyes off of Jesus. We may fall victim to the excitement of new things and become more focused on them than on Jesus. To fix our eyes on Jesus requires staying focused on who and what is most important so that we do not stumble or fall. It wasn’t until Peter took his eyes off Jesus that he began to sink in the water (Matt. 14:30). Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus!