Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
The game of football has four quarters in the game. Sometimes there is a need for overtime, but very seldom. “What quarter is it?” This is the question that many ask if they walk in a room where the television is showing a football game. There may be some unexpected things that happen in each quarter.
If you would consider life as a football team, then everyone living is on the team, Those who are between the ages of 1-25 years old are in the 1st quarter, 26-50 the 2nd quarter, 51-75 the 3rd quarter, 76-100 the 4th quarter, and 100 and over are experiencing overtime.
God almighty knows who we are, and the plans that he has for each of us. We might think that we should be doing one thing based on the quarter of life that we are in. Yet God’s thoughts are far above ours and he knows what is best for us. Every day our lives should be glorifying God. I was told about a man who was celebrating his 100 year old birthday with family. When given the opportunity to say a few words, he chose to evangelize. The 100 year old man invited everyone at the celebration to consider getting saved if they had not surrendered their life to Christ.
What quarter is this?